Bloom Watch #1 – She Shall Overcome: Beating The Odds
May 4, 2016Hi everyone. I hope you’ve had a good year. The time has come, and the Queen is beginning to wake.
I have been watching our Peniocereus greggii plants all winter and our collection isn’t as vigorous as I’d hoped. It seems the winter rains were not enough to spur them on. That, combined with the destructive activities of my “favorite friend” the Pack Rat, has several of the ladies struggling. Over the past couple of years there were several plants that just stopped trying to overcome the odds, so I am in the process of replacing them. It is sad to see one pass. But enough of that, life always finds a way.
And so, last week I went out and counted the fuzzy spots that are the beginnings of buds; it looks like they are on the way. Despite the odds, I’m sure the Queen will overcome, and we will have another wonderful night of flowers and good times. One of the plants has a bud in stall status already, and two new fuzz balls are starting. We will see if the one remains in stall and blooms with the rest. As always, I’ll keep you posted on the Queen’s progress.
This year I would also like to try something different. We know that there are always some flowers that bloom early, and some that bloom late. I thought it would be fun to receive pictures of your Peniocereus greggii blooms as they happen, whether early, late, or on time. I will post the pictures I receive on a large board during Bloom Night as well as on social media, so we can appreciate all the little Bloom Nights that happen closer to home.
Please send us pictures of your Peniocereus greggii, with your name and the date they bloomed, by replying to Bloom Watch emails at,
post them to social media with the #MyBloomNight, or even send printed photos to:Attention: Michelle Armstrong, Tohono Chul, 7366 N. Paseo del Norte, Tucson, AZ 85704 (Please only mail images that you are willing to let go, since we may not be able to get them back to you).
I also have a surprise planned to further liven up Bloom Night. With that in mind, start looking for your flashlights and walking shoes, because the Queen and I will miss you if you can’t make it to the festivities.
If you have a Queen, enjoy watching her, send us pictures, and stay tuned for the twists and turns to come.
– Lee Mason, Director of General Services, Tohono Chul