Upcoming Exhibitions

The Exhibits Program at Tohono Chul presents visual stories linking the nature, culture, and arts of the Southwest. Focusing on the work of regional artists, we display vibrant works of art in a diverse array of thematic group exhibits. The charming adobe Exhibit House, built as a private home in 1937, is an ideal environment for visitors to view Southwestern artworks. 50% of all exhibit sales help fund programs at Tohono Chul.

Questions? Please contact the Exhibits Department at exhibits@tohonochul.org

Upcoming Exhibitions:

40 For 40

February 13 – May 4, 2025

Reception with the Artists | Thursday, February 13th | 5:30 – 8 pm | Free & Open to the Public

Curator’s Talks | Tuesday, February 18th & Thursday, February 20th | 10:00 am | Free with Admission

Main Gallery

Tohono Chul is turning 40 this April! The Exhibits Program was established within the first year of the park’s dedication. Preserving, collecting, and exhibiting artwork was always part of Tohono Chul founders, Dick and Jean Wilson’s vision. To celebrate, we have invited 40 artists who have a history with Tohono Chul to exhibit their work for a special invitational exhibition – 40 artists to commemorate 40 years! These artists are attuned with Tohono Chul’s mission and share deep reverence for the natural world.

Image: clockwise from upper left (details): Heather Bentz, Lex Gjurasic, Chuck LaVoie, Karen J. Wright

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For Artists: To receive emails with exhibition opportunities including calls-for-entries, subscribe below and select the News and Opportunities for Artists email list.