Go Public Gardens Community Day
Saturday, May 11th, 2024
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Free Family Friendly Activities & Entertainment
– Free Admission All Day –
Join us for this family-friendly, free event to celebrate public gardens, community, and YOU! By offering free admission and providing family-friendly activities and entertainment we hope to encourage guests to visit our beautiful garden and learn more about the Sonoran Desert!
¡Acompáñanos a celebrar los jardines públicos, la comunidad y a ti! La diversión incluye música en vivo, Reptile Ramble, los Desert Players, actividades artísticas para pintar con un pincel de yuca, construcción de hábitats para abejas autóctonas, siembra de semillas y mucho más.

About Go Public Gardens
The American Public Gardens Association’s “Go Public Gardens” initiative runs May 10-19, 2024 with the goal of encouraging people to visit public gardens in their city and while they travel.
La iniciativa “Go Public Gardens” (Vamos a los Jardines Públicos) de la American Public Gardens Association se celebra del 10 al 19 de mayo de 2024 con el objetivo de incentivar a la gente a visitar jardines públicos en su ciudad y mientras viajan.
Entertainment & Activities Schedule
- 9 am – 1 pm | Children’s Activities | Children’s Garden
- 9 am – 1 pm | Comic Bookmobile | Garden Pavilion
- 9:30 am | Desert Players (Docent-Led Theatre Group) | Garden Pavilion
- 10 am | Reptile Ramble | Overlook
- 10 am – 11 am | Storytime | Sami’s Courtyard
- 10:30 am – 12:30 pm | Red Feather Music | Performance Garden
- 10:30 am – 12:30 pm | Desert Diva Face Painting | Sundial

Children’s Activities
9 am – 1 pm
Children’s Garden
Elaboración de antenas de insectos
Insects rely on their antennae for a variety of functions such as sensing touch, detecting heat, and perceiving vibrations. At this craft station, children can create their own whimsical antennae using pipe cleaners and pompoms, adding a touch of character and individuality to their look!

Construcción de hábitats para abejas autóctonas
Did you know that the Sonoran Desert is home to around 700 species of native bees? Arizona is rich in bee diversity-we are the leaders in not just the country, but perhaps the world! Make your own habitat for native bees using paper straws to give them a spot to rest in after a long day of pollinating!
Pintura con pinceles de yuca
Paint your own masterpiece with a paintbrush made from yucca and take your own paintbrush home! Mother’s Day is May 12th and what is a better present than a handmade card?
Siembra de semillas
Plant your very own bean seed or sunflower seed to nurture at home! Each seed comes with its own planter, crafted from an upcycled paper tube that’s both biodegradable and ready to be planted directly into a larger pot or your garden. Watch as your plant flourishes and grows, adding beauty and greenery to your surroundings!
Estación de tatuajes temporales
Choose from a cool bug, a “Queen of the Night” flower, or one of our adorable Nature Ninos! Take your temporary tattoo home or wear it for Community Day!
Elaboración de una bola de semillas autóctonas
Join the University of Arizona’s Cooperative Extension team to make a “native seed ball” to help promote pollinator plants around Tucson!
The Comic Bookmobile
9 am – 1 pm
Garden Pavilion
Your kids will love The Comic Bookmobile‘s interactive, creative activities! Frank Powers engages children through drawing lessons, coloring, reading and puppet shows, all while inspiring the ability to believe in themselves.

Desert Player’s Performance
9:30 – 10 am
Garden Pavilion
Prepare to be delighted by the Desert Players, a live pantomime group made up of Tohono Chul volunteers and docents!

Reptile Ramble
10 am – 12 pm
Discover the fascinating world of reptiles up close at Reptile Ramble! Meet native species like desert tortoises and gopher snakes, and perhaps even catch a glimpse of some intriguing non-native reptiles as well. Join us for this educational experience exploring the diversity of the reptile kingdom!
¡Ven a ver de cerca algunos reptiles autóctonos (y quizás algunos no nativos)! Es posible que veas una tortuga, una serpiente topo o incluso una serpiente rey.

Rich Rodriguez
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Performance Garden
Dive into the authentic sounds of Rich Rodriguez (formerly known as Red Feather Duet), a Tucson native whose music captures the essence of the Southwest with a Spanish twist, courtesy of his expert handling of nylon strings. Experience the unique blend of cultures and landscapes reflected in his captivating melodies, taking you on a journey through the heart of the desert and its rich musical heritage.

Face Painting
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Sundial Plaza
Enjoy complimentary face painting with the talents behind Desert Divas Face Painting! Let your imagination run wild as skilled artists transform your face into a work of art, adding a touch of whimsy and fun to your day.