Executive Update For You from Christine Conte
November 19, 2020Dear Tohono Chul Family,
In case you haven’t guessed, Tohono Chul family, my Mission is to bring you Good News.
Not good news dressed in unrealistic optimism. Or good news graded on a curve. Real, honest-to-goodness Good News. And it’s here.
But first, the context. Because real good news shines against a murky background…
Here’s what’s going on, right now.
Fall Plant Sale. Despite the pandemic and the reduced number of helping hands, Tohono Chul staff found a safe and enjoyable solution for bringing you the annual Fall Plant Sale. The staff is exhausted, but happy to provide you with gardening therapy.
Classes and Workshops. Either socially distanced on the grounds or via Zoom, many experienced the fun of making artful creations—from Mosaic sugar skulls and Electrocuted Gourds, to learning the graceful art of pruning.
The Retail Greenhouse. Up and running at full speed. Although we have our work cut out for us in the propagation areas that support its success, the greenhouse is a shining example of challenges overcome.
In Bloom. Caesalpinia cacalaco is currently alight with bright yellow flowering spikes attracting Hummingbirds and bees to the Ethnobotany Garden.
New Plantings. In the Ethnobotany Garden, planting has finally begun to the benefit of your palate at the Garden Bistro: cilantro, parsley, dill, Cimarron lettuce and peas.
Holiday Spirit. COVID put the kibosh on our big Holiday Nights celebration. But there’s plenty of uniquely Sonoran Desert Holiday items waiting for you in the shops and Virtual Santa Visits