Legacy Planning
FREE In-Person & Zoom Seminars hosted by Tohono Chul
Join us in learning how to create an estate plan that gives voice to your values and wishes,
ensures that they are respected and lessens the burden on your loved ones.

Presented by: Jacquelyne J. Mingle, Fleming & Curti PLC
Jacque arrived in Tucson in August 2009 to attend law school at the U of A, where she and Fleming & Curti attorney Elizabeth Rollings Friman were classmates. She graduated cum laude from U of A law in 2012 and worked at another Tucson law firm before deciding she wanted to join the Fleming & Curti team. The firm practices elder law, including estate planning, trust and probate administration, and benefits and tax planning, and also provides fiduciary services.
Registration for the virtual seminar on Wednesday, April 13 is now
If you have any questions, please email philanthropy@tohonochul.org