

Thank you for volunteering!

Volunteer Information Center, where you can manage your volunteer experience online.


What? Volunteer opportunities at Tohono Chul are as diverse as our active volunteer community — Retail sales in our Museum Shops and Greenhouse, plant propagation and grounds maintenance greeting in the Exhibit House and involvement with art exhibitions, clerical support in administration, special events, or train to be a Docent interpreter.

When? Daily schedules are flexible; commit to a regular weekly shift or be available as a substitute — seasonal residents are welcome!

Why? To celebrate the desert, to find fulfillment in public service in the name of cultural and environmental preservation, and to provide visitors to the gardens with a welcoming and enriching experience!

Please contact Luke Takata for more information: ltakata@tohonochul.org


Sorry, we are not currently accepting volunteer applications at this time. Please check back at a later date. Thank you!


Our Fall/Winter 2024 Docent training is postponed. The next Docent training will be Fall/Winter 2025. Applications will be available in summer 2025. Please contact Luke Takata for more information: ltakata@tohonochul.org


Who? Docents are trained volunteers excited by the rewarding challenge of interpreting the complex relationships between the plants, animals, and peoples of the Sonoran Desert for Tohono Chul guests.

What? Docents in training attend classes in desert ecology, geology, and interpretive techniques, as well as archaeology, native peoples, and the history and mission of Tohono Chul. Upon graduation, volunteer opportunities range from on-site tours to community outreach.

Why? So that visitors to Tohono Chul leave enriched by a greater understanding and appreciation of what it means to live with the desert.

Tohono Chul is a partner of the Arizona Master Naturalist Association | Pima County Chapter