Classes, Lectures & Workshops

Classes, Lectures, & Workshops

We’re all about connecting our members and visitors to the wonders of the Sonoran Desert, offering them hands on opportunities to learn more about the nature, art, and culture of our region.

Please contact Engagement Manager Luke Takata with any questions about our upcoming Classes, Lectures, & Workshops.

March 2025

TMA Art Talk | Beyond the Traditional – Contemporary Native
American Art

Thursday, March 20
10 – 11 AM
Wilson Room

A journey with contemporary Native American artists. Their works are creative, innovative, and modern while maintaining elements of tribal traditions and cultures. This talk will be given by Tucson Museum of Art Docent, Judy Tracy.

TMA Members | Free
Tohono Chul Members | $5
General Public | $10

April 2025

Desert Dialogues | Bats

Thursday, April 10
1 – 2:30 PM
Wilson Room

Join Dr. Ted Fleming to learn more about these fascinating flying mammals! We’ll explore the diversity of bats, their importance in ecosystems across the world, and hear about Dr. Fleming’s ongoing research with the lesser long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris yerbabuenae) as it visits hummingbird feeders here in southern Arizona from mid-August to late October.

Members | $5
General Public | $10

Why a Will is Not Enough Free Seminar

Why a Will is Not Enough | A Free Estate Planning Seminar

Saturday, April 12
9 – 11 AM
Wilson Room

Free & Open to the Public

The ‘Why A Will Is Not Enough’ workshop, sponsored by the Planned Giving Roundtable of Southern Arizona and Mission Management & Trust Co., is designed to help you understand the importance of estate planning and how it can protect your assets and provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones. Topics covered include creating a will, setting up a trust, designating power of attorney, and more.

Reserve your seat and learn more about this FREE seminar at the link below.

TMA Art Talk | Art that Piqued our Childhood Imaginations – 80 Years of Caldecott Awards

Thursday, April 17
10 – 11 AM
Wilson Room

Picture books are often people’s first experience with art. Revisit several winners of the Caldecott Medal for children’s book illustration and experience the magic! This talk will be given by Tucson Museum of Art Docent, Jan Weidenhammer.

TMA Members | Free
Tohono Chul Members | $5
General Public | $10

May 2025

TMA Art Talk | America in Stone and Steel

Thursday, May 15
10 – 11 AM
Wilson Room

The American landscape is dotted with statues, memorials and other sites designed to inspire, educate, and honor specific events or individuals. This Art Talk takes the time to analyze these as works of art. This talk will be given by Tucson Museum of Art Docent, Chuck Tampio.

TMA Members | Free
Tohono Chul Members | $5
General Public | $10

Cancellation Policy

We reserve the right to cancel or postpone an event due to lack of enrollment or other unforeseen circumstances, in which case, a full refund will apply. If you cancel your registration in a workshop within two weeks of the scheduled class, a full refund will be issued only if your space can be filled. No refund will be issued for a class or lecture retailed at $15 or less.