Bloom Watch #4 – Will It Be This Weekend?
June 20, 2018It appears that the Queen accepted the rain with exuberance. She broke stall on Sunday and Monday and is on the move toward bloom. Today most of the buds are in the in the 60 to 80 mm range putting them only 5 to 6 days out. There are a few at 90mm, a few at 50mm, and one at 110mm. Right now it looks like there will be a small split on the bloom with the majority going on the same night. It is possible however, that her plans will be different than mine, as is usually the case.
The P. tepalcatepecanus had two flowers on Saturday night and the P. oaxacensis had one bloom on Sunday. The P. fosterianus has started pushing toward bloom and may happen on the same night as the Queen. I sure hope so anyway. My Queen is on track with her counterparts in the gardens and all of her Court are pushing for the bloom.
It appears that we could together as early as this Friday or as late as Monday, but right now my best guess (which I hate to do knowing how much she likes to frustrate me) is Saturday or Sunday. So get ready to stand by with your boots out and put new batteries in your flashlight. I will let you know the exact day as soon as she lets me know.
Until Next Time – Lee Mason, Director of General Services, Tohono Chul