Upcoming Exhibitions

The Exhibits Program at Tohono Chul presents visual stories linking the nature, culture, and arts of the Southwest. Focusing on the work of regional artists, we display vibrant works of art in a diverse array of thematic group exhibits. The charming adobe Exhibit House, built as a private home in 1937, is an ideal environment for visitors to view Southwestern artworks. 50% of all exhibit sales help fund programs at Tohono Chul.

Questions? Please contact the Exhibits Department at exhibits@tohonochul.org

Upcoming Exhibitions:

Impressions in Place

May 15 – August 3, 2025
Exhibit House Main Gallery

Deadline for Entries: Sunday, April 6

The Desert Southwest is marked with pictographs and petroglyphs, ancient images painted onto and carved into stone that describe man’s place in the world. Mystifying and enlightening, they serve as timeless accounts toward the importance of place.

To the same effect, but on a smaller scale and at a more intimate level, artists have often lived in or traveled to a place that grounds them and speaks to them, with that place  becoming a significant part of their person as well as an instrumental and inspirational component in their work.

IMPRESSIONS IN PLACE will investigate the human need, since the dawn of time, to leave behind a mark that records existence; a mark that establishes and documents a “sense of place” – a meaningful connectedness and an artistic awareness of how a place is impressed upon the artist and the artist is impressed upon the place.

Artists from the region are invited to submit 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional works in any media for consideration in this curated exhibition.

Click here to view the complete prospectus

Image: clockwise from upper left (details): David Adix, Manuel Fontes, Jerry Jacobson, Erinn Kennedy

Queen of the Night

May 31 – July 27, 2025
Exhibit House Entry Gallery

Deadline for Entries: Friday, May 2

For one night each year, this fragrant and stunning flower reveals itself to anyone lucky enough to greet it. To celebrate the treasured Peniocereus greggii or night-blooming cereus, in 2025 an exhibition in the Entry Gallery will feature the Queen of the Night in all her glory.

Artists are asked to contribute works that represent the Peniocereus greggii plant: the bloom, flower, cactus, tuber, or fruit. Artists can submit 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional works in any media for consideration in this curated exhibition. The Entry Gallery is an intimate space that only allows for a small number of works. 

Click here for complete prospectus

Image: Karen J. Wright

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